Sunday 30 March 2014

Extending Ideas

mihi x2

A mihimihi is an introduction to establish links with others. It shares our genealogy, ancestral ties and where we come from.

In a mihimihi, a person will usually identify geographic features about themselves. This information is considered more important than your name, which is often given at the end of the mihimihi.

To show my mihimihi in a room I thought I could use the four walls to represent the four key aspects of my life.

These four key aspects are placed in three categories; the past, present and future. My upbringing is the most major part of my past, and the culture that is distilled in me is something I will always treasure. The present is shown through who I am, my family and friends, my attitude and the choices that I make. The future is made up of people I look up to, and the dreams and aspirations I have.